Innovative Solutions For A Healthful Home Environment
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About Healthful Home Products And Alexeter Technologies

Founded in 1999, Alexeter Technologies specializes in bringing advanced technologies into everyday use. Our initial field test products offered emergency responders the tools to detect threatening biological substances, rapidly and accurately. Now offered in over 44 countries worldwide, Alexeter is the leading provider of biological defense detection tools worldwide. Learn more about Healthful Home Products 5-Minute Mold Test and mold treatment products, the first in our line of products to adapt advanced technologies for consumer use and are intended to deliver improved well-being through a more healthy environment.

The Healthful Home® Brand

About Healthful Home Products Logo
“Healthful Home”, “IAQ Pro” and “Fog-U” are registered trademarks of Alexeter Technologies LLC.

The Healthful Home brand is geared toward environmentally conscious individuals seeking a clean and healthier living space through the use of safe and effective products that clear harmful microbes from the air in a safe and effective manner.

Our Commitment To Our Customers

At Alexeter Technologies our number one goal is to continually offer scientifically formulated cleaners and products that achieve maximum effectiveness while remaining environmentally safe for both children and pets.

Our Healthful Home Mold Test and Cleaners disinfect and clean bacteria, fungi, virus microbes, and allergens more effectively than other competing products and WITHOUT the use of harsh chemicals. Furthermore, our mold treatment products go one step farther by actually controlling mold growth long after the leading competitor’s products have lost their effectiveness.

Your Healthful Home . . . Our Priority!

healthy family living mold  fungi and allergy free


January 2, 2018

Opened the box, watched the minute & a half video on their site, did test and got my time from start to finish was less than 10 minutes! Highly recommended. View more . . .

Recent Articles About Mold


"Healthful Home", "IAQ Pro" and "Fog-U" are registered trademarks of Alexeter Technologies LLC

Alexeter Technologies, LLC
Phone:     (800) 455-1250

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